Office boardroom fashion is often underestimated. Perhaps mainly because most executives belong to the male gender (though not bordering on the sloppy classification), deciding on what to wear makes one’s personal appearance a chore. But then again, why should you miss out on creating a great impression, especially for a
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Alden Cap Toe Boot
Dress to impress – such a simple expression that’s bound to make a statement. It’s done on almost every waking moment of your life, from getting to work (and of course heading up the career ladder), to sweeping the girl of your dream’s feet towards your ever strong arms (as
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Stereotyping in movies – it gets old after some time, don’t you agree? Sure, we have the token black guy for buddy films, the Asian dude with the mad kung fu skills, and the ditzy blonde for wallflower antics. These kinds of character roles can deliver profit and promise –
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Every man needs an adventure. Admit it: there are just some days when every single minute seems to drag, that the clock seems to tick to ad infinitum. That’s just it, every single one needs a break, no matter how we define it, whether it be an actual vacation or
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Simplicity can sometimes be the best thing that can happen to you. Subtlety, for that particular matter, can be the best accent on those times that you need to look good – whether solely for you, your job, or for your loved one. So it’s always a breath of fresh
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Atlantic City, setting of popular and stylish HBO miniseries Boardwalk Empire, offers a gamut of fashion-forward (for their time, Prohibition that is) individuals that are still applicable for contemporary periods. One particular clothing accessory that strikes a high chord in their characters, particularly the gangsters, are their shoes – wing
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